

Learning the specific terminology of fashion in English to work in international contexts

Course focus

Understanding English is now a key requisite for working in the fashion world, where every segment uses its own specialist terminology.

The course is therefore aimed at those who already have a solid grounding in English but want to become proficient in business English and the technical language associated with different products, whether clothes, bags or metal accessories. 

Course aim

The aim is to enable participants with B1 level English to broaden their specific technical fashionvocabulary and use it more appropriately both in writing and orally. The course will focus particularly on terminology related to clothing and accessories.

Course structure

The modules begin by looking at the general professional language used in the fashion sector before zeroing-in on specific technical terminology.

  • Professional introductions: role play, simulation.
  • Processes: discussing processes using passive grammar.
  • Leather types and composition: skin research activity.
  • Metals: types of metals used for accessories.
  • Bags: anatomy, parts, hardware.
  • Clothes: different types and description.
  • Email: making arrangements, product enquiries, price lists.

Outcomes / Skills acquired

By the end of the course participants will be fluent in the technical terminology of fashion, particularly as regards clothing and accessories, and will be able to work professionally in international contexts.


  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Upper secondary school leaver’s certificate or equivalent.


Level English level B1
Duration 5 weeks, 20h in total (2 hours-2 times per week, from 17.30 to 19.30)
Modality online
Cost 1.500 €
Language English
2024      Start 11-11-2024    End 11-12-2024

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